Regina Public School Board Social Justice Mission

Since 2020, there has been a lot of committee work within the Regina Public School Board aimed at promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, gender equality, racial equity, and other goals related to social justice.

What does it mean?

A report from the Special Committee on Diversity, issued on June 16th, 2020, recommended forming several committees, including:

- The Regina Public Schools Diversity Steering Committee

- The Multicultural Advisory Committee

- The Gender and Sexual Diversity Advisory Committee

In addition, the Leader Post shared that the Diversity Committee has established both an anti-racism/anti-oppression advisory committee and a gender and sexual diversity advisory committee.

These committees have been diligently working to organize, plan, and implement various initiatives surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion. According to an article in the Leader Post, a recommendation from this committee led to the hiring of a diversity coordinator in 2021. Furthermore, Keilyn Howie, a member of the diversity committee, remarked, “We need to have these conversations of race and oppression in our schools, but more than that, we need to normalize them.” It's also noteworthy that Keilyn has included the phrase “teach the children social justice!” in her Twitter bio.

Clearly, there are several individuals within the Regina Public School Board who are committed to using the RPS as a platform for advancing social justice. They have set up committees, dedicated resources, and created positions specifically aimed at “teaching the kids social justice.” It's something for parents to consider whether they believe that the public school system should focus on teaching social justice politics.

With resources in education limited, every dollar needs to be thoughtfully allocated to ensure children are equipped with essential skills in reading, writing, math, and social understanding necessary for being good citizens in Canadian society. Thus, it’s important for parents to stay informed and make clear decisions about whether they support dedicating educational resources to social justice education in the classroom.

Let your voice be heard.

Email Saskatchewan’s Minister of Education today.

Email your Regina Public School Board Trustee in your division today.


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Regina Public School Board Mental Health Strategy