Drag Queens are being branded as entertainment for children

A series of events known as "Drag Queen Story Hour," which are aimed at children of all ages, are being held across Canada and the United States.

What does it mean?

Throughout Canada and the United States, there has been a slew of events held under the name Drag Queen Story Hour. These events are typically hosted at public libraries and feature men in drag, a term which describes men wearing women’s clothing, hair and makeup, who read to children. They are primarily marketed to children, with the stories, decor, and presentation all designed to appeal to a young audience.

 The purpose and function of these events are presented as a family-friendly way to expose children to what is termed “gender non-conformity.” However, given the history of drag queens and the cultural context surrounding drag performances, it is simply not feasible to separate drag queens from sexuality. The following statements explain why, according to City Journal: “In Minneapolis, a drag queen in heels and a pink miniskirt spread his legs open in front of children; in Portland, a large male transvestite allowed toddlers to climb on top of him, grab at his fake breasts, and press themselves against his body; and in England, a drag queen taught a group of preschoolers how to perform a sexually suggestive dance.”

The fact is that Drag Queen Story Hour serves as a gateway to sexuality, whether that is the intention or not. For this reason, it is inappropriate for children to be involved. Children’s innocence is worth protecting and where possible, legislation should be enacted to prevent children from participating in sexualized events such as Drag Story Hour.

RCAAN is committed to fostering a well-informed and active community in Regina. Our focus is on empowering residents with the knowledge and tools necessary to make impactful political decisions and take meaningful action. RCAAN also supports parents' rights to direct the healthcare, education, and moral upbringing of their children.

RCAAN is committed to fostering a well-informed and active community in Regina. Our focus is on empowering residents with the knowledge and tools necessary to make impactful political decisions and take meaningful action. RCAAN also supports the right of parents to direct the healthcare, education, and moral upbringing of their children. If you want to get involved and help us and make change for the better in Regina, please sign up for out email list, and visit out event page.

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Heather Murphy

Heather Murphy is a business consultant and designer, the owner of Authentically: Business & Life Solutions. In 2019, Heather Murphy partnered with Candyce Fiessel to support expanding our vision through her creativity in design, art, and neuroscience.


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